with CDs of diction lessons and piano accompaniments; includes historical notes, translations and International Phonetic Alphabet This is a collection of the most famous songs of Faurí©. Diction lessons were recorded by coach, conductor and diction specialist Pierre Vallet. The diction for each song is recorded twice: first recited as an actor would speak it,showing flow of the language and mood, followed by a slow, deliberate l esson, allowing time for the student to repeat each line. This experienced language coach adapts the R in French in the slow versions as recommended for classical singers. He is also very senstive to liaisons betweenword sounds in musical settings. Contents: ApríÂs un ríÈveŒ‡ Au bord de l 'eau Œ‡ Aurore Œ‡ Automne Œ‡ Chanson d'amour Œ‡ Clair de lune Œ‡ Ici-bas Œ‡ LeSecret Œ‡ Les berceaux Œ‡ Les roses d'Ispahan Œ‡ Lydia Œ‡ Mandoline Œ‡ Nell Œ‡ Notre amour Œ‡ Rencontre. 00001145 High Voice, Book/CDs $17.95 00001146Low Voice, Book/CDs $17.95