In preparing this Urtext edition of RavelŒÍs piano music, Roger Nichols consulted no fewer than 14 sources - including sound recordings by Ravel himself and other pianists with whom the composer worked. As a result heis uniquely qualified to evaluate the complexity of the sources and, wi th this edition, has provided todayŒÍs pianists with the tools to make their own well-informed performance choices about this infinitely-rewarding repertoire.Contents: Menuet sur le nom d'Haydn Œ´ Prí©lude -íæ Mademoiselle Jeanne Leleu Œ´ A la maniíÂre de Borodine -Valse Œ´ A la maniíÂre d'Emmanuel Chabrier Œ´ Paraphrase sur un air de Gounod (Faust IIIíÂme acte)