Songwriter's block can be devastating, stopping even the best songwriters in their tracks. It can have several possible causes and levels of severity. Research shows that a fear of failure is the ultimate cause of most blocks. Fear sets in when numerous attempts to write music fail. But what causes those failures? They usually happen as a result of either a lack of organization, a weakness in songwriting technique, or a misunderstanding of the very nature of writer's block. The evidence is clear that if songwriters are waiting for inspiration to get back to writing songs, they're wasting time and possibly missing the cause of their block. Chapter by chapter, this book addresses every likely cause of songwriter's block. It helps the reader develop a songwriting schedule, set songwriting targets that make sense, and deal with debilitating fear. And, veryimportant, it helps the reader more fully understand the nature of good music by showing what each section of a song is meant to do, from intro to outro. Included are songwriting exercises that will help break the m elody and lyric logjam.