This outstanding series is an encouragement to beginning singers in preparing a vocal solo. Songs have been carefully chosen for each voice typeafter consulting many official state contest repertoire lists. All the songs, for instance, are on the Texas list. The series will be useful toany novice singer, not just limited to those preparing an actual contes t solo. Each volume contains 10 songs: 5 art songs in English, an African-American spiritual, 2 songs in Italian, a song in German and a song inSpanish. There are new editions and engravings of all songs. Biographic al information is included on each composer. Interpretive suggestions are given for each song, and the preface on Learning a Song is especially instructive. Each companion CD includes beautiful performances of all the songs by a professional singer, and excellent accompaniments by pianist Laura Ward. Also on the CD are pronunciation guides in Italian, Germanand Spanish. Mezzo-Soprano Book Contents: An die Musik Œ‡ The Blue-Bell Œ‡ He Shall Feed His Flock Œ‡ My Lord, What a Mornin' Œ‡ Now Is the Month of Maying Œ‡ Nymphs and Shepherds Œ‡ Ombra mai fí_ Œ‡ Porque toco el panderoŒ‡ Silent Noon Œ‡ Vergin, tutto amor.