Hosted by R&B drumming sensation Chris Coleman (Chaka Khan, Rachelle Ferrell, New Kids on the Block), this DVD contains exciting lessons from drumming greats Steve Gadd (Eric Clapton, Paul Simon, Chick Corea), Keith Carlock (Steely Dan, Sting), Mike Portnoy (Dream Theater), Steve Smith (Journey, Vital Information), Gavin Harrison (Porcupine Tree), Todd Sucherman (Styx), Benny Greb (international clinician), Jim Riley (Rascal Flatts), John Riley (jazz legend), Aaron Spears (Usher, American Idol), PatPetrillo (Gloria Gaynor, Patti LaBelle), Russ Miller (LA studio ace), T homas Lang (Stork, Gianna Nannini), Randy Black (Annihilator, Primal Fear), and Antonio Sanchez (Pat Metheny). Each of the artists teaches one or more amazing licks/concepts in his featured clip.
Priced affordably and containing a wealth of previously released material from the Hudson Music catalog, the titles in the Ultimate Drum Lessons series have proven to be very popular with drummers. In response to customer comments, the clips on these new releases have been chosen specifically for their educational/instructional content (less concert performances and moreactual lessons).