This engaging “Play in a Day” takes children on an imaginaryjourney back to the days of the one room schoolhouse. Happy summer scen es come to life with seven songs and movement as told through the memories of children from days gone by. Familiar and much loved melodies such as “By the Sea”, “Sidewalks of New York”, “Take Me Out to the Ball Game”, and “When the Saints Go Marching In” are just a few of the favorites featured in this production. The short linking script makes it easy to add or eliminate scenes without affecting the continuity of the story. It lends itself perfectly to an all school revue where a different song and scene can be assigned to each grade level.With the doubling of parts, it works just as successfully with small groups. Costumes, sets and scenery can be as simple or elaborate as time and help permit. Most importantly, students are provided with a positive opportunity to develop confidence as they perform songs that will forever have a place in American hearts and history.