This collection of 21 iconic songs commemorates The Gallipoli Campaign (1914-1915). Edited by Toby Knowles.
,- Advance Australia Fair
,- Along the road to Gundagai
,- And the band played Waltzing Matilda
,- For me and my gal
,- The gift of years
,- God save the King
, - Hello! Hello! Who's your lady friend?
,- Here we are, here we are, here we are again!
,- I wonder who's kissing her now
,- If you were the only girl (in the world)
,- It's a long way to Tipperary
,- Keep the home fires burning
,- No man's land / The green fields of France
,- Oh! It's a lovely war
,- Over there
,- Pack up your troubles (in your old kit bag)
,- Roses of Picardy
,- Take me back to dear old Blighty
-,- There's a long, long trail
,- They didn't believe me
,- Waltzing Matilda.