Originally recorded for the Canadian TV show “A Beautiful Noise” (Toronto, January 2006), this program includes additional interviewand musical footage. Healey, playing trumpet and guitar, leads his exce llent band The Jazz Wizards forward into musical history. As always, he delivers jazz from the past with humor, respect for the tradition, and acontemporary attitude. Healey gained worldwide fame as a stunningly ori ginal rock/blues guitarist. His passion, however, was the infectious andjoyful music from the classic jazz era – the days when Jelly Roll Morton, King Oliver, Louis Armstrong and Bix Beiderbecke ruled the musi c world.
Songs: I Would Do Anything for You • Bugle Call Rag• If I Had You • Darktown Strutter's Ball • War Cat &bul l; I'm Gonna Lock My Heart and Throw Away the Key • Sugar Blues • Sing You Sinners • Sweet Georgia Brown • You Go to My Head• Long John Blues. 56 minutes.