In 2005, the world's most prestigious drum festival relocated to the spectacular New Jersey Performing Arts Center (NJPAC), and the combination of world class talent at a world class facility raised the bar for everyother drum festival on the planet.
Discs 1 and 2 feature Saturda y and Sunday's incredible performances and Disc 3 features full-length, in-depth interviews at pad kits, with detailed discussion and demonstration of drum technique, practice tips and more – an MD Festival DVDfirst!
Features Jason Bittner; Rodney Holmes; Keith Carlock; Chr is Adler; Chad Smith and Ian Paice; Jojo Mayer; Zoro; Latin All Stars with Sheila E; Alex Acuña; Raul Rekow and Karl Perazzo; and Roy Haynes.
Special Features include a 10-page booklet, a photo gallery, web links and more.
Running time: 7 hours, 10 minutes.