Urtext edited by Franz Beyer and Robert Holl [B,pno]
The nine surviving bass arias are chiefly works from Mozart's last creative phase, in which the composer offered little tidbits to the opera singers he was friends with.
The edition by Franz Beyer contains all Mozart concert arias for the lowest voice. The nine surviving bass arias are chiefly works from Mozart's last creative phase, in which the composer offered little tidbits to the opera singers he was friends with. Deserving special attention are the arias “Per questa bella mano” K. 612 (with obbligato double bass) and “Männer suchen stets zu naschen” K. 433. While editing this aria, Beyer completed the orchestral accompaniment that Mozart had only sketched, which means that this piece is now available for the first time with an orchestral accompaniment in an authentic Mozartian style. Very valuable for performance practice are the cadenzas and Eingänge provided by the internationally acclaimed Mozart singer Robert Holl.
Franz Beyer's edition, which incorporates the cadenzas and “Eingänge” (ornamental flourishes) that Robert Holl has already performed in concert, provides extensive information on the performance practice of Mozart's vocal music (including appoggiaturas, recitatives, cadenzas/flourishes, dynamics) and supplies an individual commentary on the contents and historical position of each aria. Moreover, the volume contains a list of instructional methods from Mozart's day (with indications of facsimile reprints or English-language translations) as well as German and English translations of the predominantly Italian aria texts.
1. 'Io ti lascio, oh cara, addio' KV Anh. 245 (KV 621a) (Christian Rudolf Riedel)
2. 'Così dunque tradisci' – 'Aspri rimorsi atroci' KV 432 (421a) (Christian Rudolf Riedel)
3. 'Männer suchen stets zu naschen' KV 433 (416c) (Franz Beyer)
4. 'Alcandro, lo confesso' ? 'Non sò d?onde viene' KV 512 (Christian Rudolf Riedel)
5. 'Mentre ti lascio, oh figlia' KV 513 (Christian Rudolf Riedel)
6. 'Ich möchte wohl der Kaiser sein' KV 539 (Christian Rudolf Riedel)
7. 'Un bacio di mano' KV 541 (Christian Rudolf Riedel)
8. 'Rivolgete a lui lo sguardo' KV 584 (Christian Rudolf Riedel)
9. 'Per questa bella mano' (mit obligatem Kontrabass) KV 612 (Christian Rudolf Riedel)