To familiarize oneself with the basics of lied singing and at the same time work on technical and artistic issues using short and varied lieder, there is no way around the German ŒñVaccaiŒî. With lieder based on HeineŒÍs poems and following the Italian example Nicola Vaccai, Steffen Wolf succeeded in creating a real highlight in voice teaching.
Each volume comprises the lieder with the international phonetic transcription below the music, short pedagogical comments on technical and artistic issues as well as a CD with recordings of the songs and piano playbacks in the respective voice range. Singers: Miriam Alexandra (soprano), Yvi Jí_nicke (alto), Díçvid Csizmíçr (baritone) and the composer (tenor) himself. They are accompanied by the pianist Henning Lucius, who also recorded the piano playbacks for every CD.