Since Auto-Tune was released in 1997, pitch correction as an effect and as a discrete processing tool has become a standard component to modern audio production. The technology has matured considerably since then, and pitch correction is now available in many different flavors. Pitch Correction Software Now! offers a practical guide full of tips and tricks designed to quickly get you up to speed with the most popular pitch-correction products available today.
From the popular and slickT-Pain Effect by Izotope to professional polyphonic pitch correction us ing Celemony's Melodyne DNA, this focused tutorial makes it easy to choose the best pitch-correction products for your music creation needs and helps you incorporate them into your music production workflow.
Accomplished music industry writer Max Mobley uses his easy-to-understandwriting style and industry expertise to deliver a book that provides cl ear and concise practical advice in setting up and using several different pitch-correction plug-ins, including Antares' newest version of Auto-Tune, Auto-Tune Live.
From live stages to home studios, whether you want a vocal effect or precise, transparent monophonic or polyphonic pitch processing, Pitch Correction Software Now! puts music producers of all levels on the fast track to mastering the many forms of modern pitch correction.