This handbook is designed to help music educators develop effective objectives, lesson plans, and assessments for their students, forming the backbone of successful classroom, instrumental, and choral instruction. Taking advantage of current best practices and at the same time meeting today s requirements and mandates, Planning Instruction in Music contains sample objectives, assessment ideas, and lesson plan templates designed to show meaningful instruction in action. Music educators will be able to easily adapt the resources in the handbook to their own classrooms. InPart One, authors Frank Abrahams and Ryan John provide a clearly writte n, practical framework and at the same time keep focus on the joy of music making. In Part Two, they present sample objectives that connect to broad concepts about rhythm, melody, harmony, form, timbre, and meaning. Sample lesson and rehearsal plans by nineteen experienced teachers comprise Part Three. The result is a hands-on resource that provides music educators with more accountability to administrators in addition to the satisfaction that comes from helping students achieve meaningful learning in music.