This DVD offers an overview of Synthesis, which will provide you with a fundamental understanding of how all synthesizers work, as well as how to unleash the hidden power of the Spider CV and Spider Audio Merger & Splitter functions. Then, you'll build up a track from scratch in Reason 5using many of the on-board synths. Andrew will show you many complex me thods for working with Redrum, the Kong Drum Designer, Subtractor, the Thor Polysonic synthesizer, the Malstron Graintable synthesizer, the RPG-8 Arpeggiator, and the ReGroove mixer. You'll also learn how to integrate advanced MIDI editing procedures using the Tool window. In the Mixing segment, you'll learn about editing automation, working with insert effects, advanced equalization and compression techniques, working with Reason's amazing combinators, as well as creative uses of Reason's onboard mixer. If you're interested in becoming a power-user of Reason 5, this DVD is a must! 3 hours, 40 min.