The 1996 edition of Screen World features such notable films as the Academy Award-winning Braveheart, Leaving Las Vegas with Nicholas Cage and Elizabeth Shue, Dead Man Walking with Susan Sarandonand Sean Penn, Nixon with Anthony Hopkins, Waiting to Exhale< /i> with Whitney Houston and Angela Bassett, Apollo 13 with Tom Hanks, Sense and Sensibility with Emma Thompson and Kate Winslet, Toy Story, Casino with Robert De Niro and Sharon Stone, Goldeneye with Pierce Brosnan, Mighty Aphrodite with Mira Sorvino, The Usual Suspects with Kevin Spacey, and Batman Forever with Val Kilmer and Jim Carrey. As always, Screen World's outstanding features include photographic stills and complete credits from the films, biographical notes on selected individuals, full-page shots of Academy Award-winning actors, and a look at the year's most promising new screen personalities. Paperback.