Based on the macabre cartoon Charles Addams created in 1938 for The New Yorker, this Broadway musical was nominated for multiple awards in 2010,including two Tony nods. Our songbook features vocal lines with piano a ccompaniment for 14 fantastic tunes by Andrew Lippa: The Addams Family Theme Œ‡ Crazier Than You Œ‡ Happy/Sad Œ‡ In the Arms Œ‡ Just Around the Corner Œ‡ Let's Not Talk About Anything Else but Love Œ‡ Live Before We Die Œ‡ The Moon and Me Œ‡ Morticia Œ‡ One Normal Night Œ‡ Pulled Œ‡ Waiting Œ‡ What If Œ‡ When You're an Addams.