This beginner's guide to the basics of live concert sound mixing and mictechniques is written by industry vet Jerry Slone, whose baptism-by-fir e road experiences will teach you need-to-know stuff they simply don't teach in school! It provides easy-to-understand coverage aimed at the novice on topics such as: sound and hearing; microphone models, specs and techniques; mixers; equalization; amplifiers; speakers; the audio chain; schools and universities for continuing education; and much more. Ever since talent show appearances in his pre-teen years, Jerry Slone's been the guy who got stuck hooking up the PA and trying to tweak it to make itsound better. After graduating from the Recording Industry program at M iddle Tennessee State University (MTSU), he road-managed and mixed houseaudio for a touring band. Today, he works with acts signed to major lab els.