In The Hundred-Year Snooze, there lives a princess who possesses gifts bestowed upon her by the kingdom's Seven Graces: beauty, wit and charm, grace and elegance, song, dance and good math skills! However, herparents, who are the king and queen of the castle, and a court-full of fun characters all fall under an evil spell given by the ignored and forgotten Old Grace. Whether a small or large cast, this easy-to-learn-and-perform musical by Dave and Jean Perry is full of opportunities for all students to enjoy. A smart and funny script, nine delightful songs, soloopportunities, ensemble and speaking parts and lots of performance sugg estions will help you create a memorable musical experience for you and your audience, especially during the final “mix” number whenthe entire cast performs a medley of the musical numbers to a fun dance beat! Performance Time: 30 minutes. Grades 4-8.