<p>The ultimate guide to playing saxophone, by NY jazz artist Tim Armacost - for anyone from beginners to professionals.</p><p>Rooted in practical skills and going far beyond theory, <b>The Jazz Saxophone Book</b> will improve your ability to construct beautiful, flowing solo lines.</p><p>The book includes access to over 30 videos of the author demonstrating ideas in the book and hundreds of examples of solo phrases by the masters of jazz saxophone.</p><p>For the beginning improviser, we cover:<br> • Creative ways to work on sound, time and building a jazz vocabulary<br> • Connecting your soloing with your internal singing voice<br> • Foundational jazz harmony - what you need to know!</p><p>For intermediate players, the book offers:<br> • In-depth treatment of jazz harmony, with copious examples from the masters of the tradition<br> • Ideas for becoming a musical storyteller<br> • Skills needed to show up at a jam session and confidently perform a tune</p><p>For more advanced players, the book discusses:<br> • Using advanced harmony to build and release tension<br> • Taking jazz vocabulary, harmony and form into the realm of freedom<br> • How to practice efficiently to become a well-rounded, continually improving soloist</p><p><iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/eSX7wB4q9kE" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe></p>