It is virtually impossible to discuss modern acting or actor training without first mentioning the Russian thoerist and director Konstantin Stanislavsky. Complete in one volume, Mel Gordon explores the actor trainingsystems of Stanislavsky and his two most important disciples, Evgeni Va khtangov and Michael Chekhov, tracing the major teachings and refinements over the first 50 years of use by actors. Gordon reconstructs the actual exercises taught at the Moscow Art Theatre and various Russianacting studios, and he clears away the myths and confusion about the pr actical use of Stanislavsky's System. This volume contains: The Stanislavsky System – First Studio Exercises 1912-1916; Vakhtangov as Rebel and Theoretician – Exercises 1919-1921; Michael Chekhov – Exercises 1919-1952; and Stanislavsky's Fourth Period – Theory of Physical Actions, 1934-1938.