Based on the original characters devised by Talbot Rothwell and Sid Colin for the Frankie Howerd BBC comedy, this romp through ancient Pompeii brings back all the television favourites in this full-length play seen on a national tour in 2011 starring Damian Williams as Lurcio, Senator Ludicrus Sextus\032s slave. As Lurcio attempts to deliver his prologue and begin proceedings, he\032s quickly caught up in the myriad of sexual liaisons in all quarters of his master\032s house. Why does Ludicrus not leave for the Senate meeting in Rome? Why does his wife return so quickly from the country? Who will take care of the escaped slave girl, Voluptua, and will Nausius\032s love poetry improve? Whilst growing chaos ensues, an increasing rumbling is heard in the distance \032 what could that possibly be?