This musical is a tribute to the early years of the twentieth century when silent movies mesmerized and enthralled avid theater audiences. During its 30-year reign, this compelling art form captured the hearts and minds of many devoted fans. As a building owner and realtor discuss plans to convert an old building, formerly a silent movie studio, into commercial space, ghostly visages of the stars of silent screen who have been living there reveal themselves to the audience. As prospective renters inspect the building, they are frightened away by the stars who again assume the filming of scenes of silent movies of the past. The musical selections accompanying each scene are representative of what occurred on numerous silent film sets. After discouraging a number of potential renters, the stars seek out a team who are attempting to have the building declared an historic site. They set the stage for the creation of a memorialto the silent movie era. Grade Level: 4-9. Perf. Time: Approx. 45 minut es.